
Photographer: me. OPI Sephora Arm Candy, OPI Black Shatter, and Topcoat.
This is my new "manicure" ("manicure" in quotes because it's nowhere near professional quality.) My thought behind this was "Oooh, cool, I love OPI's new Black Shatter polish and want to wear it," but I know some people who are going to read waaaay too much into it in light of Valentine's Day.
So before they do, I'll give you all a first crack at it. What title would you give the "manicure?" What do you think it "says" about me?
And something for people who don't care about manicures or makeup: What was the biggest singles/ dating/ married assumption that someone made about you?
For a real Valentine's Day post, check out Lisa Robinson's post on Single Compensation at Parchment and Pen. She has some excellent insight on Valentine's Day, singleness, desire, and contentment and is a brilliant, theologically-informed female author that I respect very much.
A quote from the article:
God can and does work through the absence to turn the attention towards Him but that does not negate the reality of the absence. The very thorn of that absence is the one whereby we learn the sufficiency of grace (2 Corinthians 12:7-8) and learn to trust in the finish work of the cross even greater, prompting an even greater love for the Lord. The absence can provoke Christian maturity in ways that only God can design.
Edit at 12:22:
Also, head on over to The Church of No People for a super awesome guest post by Lindsey Nobles. To be honest, I've never read her blog before tonight, but she also had some really awesome insight into singleness, particularly for females.