
We were talking about idols of the heart the other day (the concept, not the book), and I think one way to identify idols is to look at one's priorities.  Priorities are based on some sort of functional truth.  What do you believe to be true?  Examples of this are "If I don't ___________ then ___________" or "I have to ___________ in order to ___________."  Both of these statements reveal what is important to us and the lengths to which we will go to secure these idols.  Of course, not everything that fits this sentence construction will point to an idol.  For example "If I don't eat, then I will starve," is in fact an actual truth, however the statement, "I don't have time for church community because I have to work in order to feed my family," in some cases depending on the individual situation may point to the idols of control and security.  Sometimes these chains can get quite long: "I don't have the time for church community because I have to study in order to graduate in order to get a job in order to work in order to feed my family in the future."  Of course it's good to study to graduate to get a job to provide for future family, but when our priorities shift from the eternal to the material, we start accepting statements like these as absolute truth instead of looking to Scripture for guidance.

Something that struck me was Hebrews 13:5
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 
What I found interesting was that the "normal" way most Christians (and I realize I'm making a blanket statement here) would complete this would be "Be content with what you have, for God will provide."  In fact, there is much Biblical evidence for this.  Doesn't Jesus say that the Father provides for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, and He will provide for us as well?  But the author of Hebrews goes in a different direction (at first).  He says, "Be content with what you have, for God will always be with you."  God will always be with me; this is the reason I can be content.  Instead of focusing on things I "need" - both legitimately and illegitimately - this verse focuses on what I really need - my relationship with God.  The priority is different.  Of course the next verse says that "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear."  Of course God will provide; it's what He does.  He provides security and provides for our needs.  However, our priorities should not be security and having our needs met.  Instead, our priority should be God and God alone.