Call Your Senators!

UNICEF estimates that 3,287 children are trafficked every day.

The Child Protection Compact Act (CPCA) is legislation designed to help protect children in targeted countries from slavery and sex trafficking. It was close to passing in the Senate, but Congress adjourned for elections in early October without finishing the job.

On November 15, Congress reconvenes for a “lame duck” session, giving us a final, unexpected chance to pass the CPCA. Commit to calling your Senators on November 15- they need to hear from constituents who care about ending child trafficking if they are going to make the CPCA a priority.

To find how to contact your senators, visit the Senate website and search for your state in the upper right-hand corner.

For more information about the call-in day and to see a sample script, follow the link in the title of this post. I've done this before, and it only takes two minutes. It's a quick and easy way to help children around the world.