The Art of the White Flag (repost)

I just wrote a long-ish post about wanting to write a book titled "The Art of the White Flag," but it got lost in the ether of cyber-ness :(  Anyway, I was thinking about the goodness of God in my life and wanted to document my journey and the lessons He's taught me in book form because I think things become more "real" when they're written down.  I'm not planning to publish it, but I just want to write down my testimony- the story of God's presence and work in my life because I am truly amazed by the way things worked out for my good and His glory.  Things didn't have to turn out this way, but they did.

The tentative title I chose for the book stems from the fact that we often surrender to many things- to anger, hate, resentment, loneliness,  hopelessness, and even things like ambition, success, and the approval of others.  We let these things dictate the way we live our lives for different reasons, but at the end of the day, we surrender because there are circumstances outside of our control.  We try to make sense of the world.  Even when things are outside of our control, we still try to control them.  We look at God, and He's right there, and we choose to fight or to suffer on our own.  We surrender to many things, but not to God.  That's what the art of the white flag is.  It's the primary lesson I've learned on my journey.  It's about learning to give up, not to our circumstances, but to the God who leads us through them.

Housekeeping: the new commenting system should be up now!