The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian?" Scorecard
For my TSN readers who are unfamiliar with Stuff Christians Like, we have the awesome opportunity to participate in a 130+ blog "post-a-thon," with each blog containing one scoring criterion to determine if a contestant on American Idol is a Christian. (Yes, Stuff Christians Like is where I got the idea for a Church Website Scorecard.) The author of SCL is also coming out with a book. Truthfully, I haven't bought it yet, but I'm planning to and you should too.
For SCL readers stopping by - welcome. Three Star Night is a Christian-themed webcomic that is transitioning to also include text posts. If you are interested in looking around, a nice sampling of my style can be found in my posts about coffee, a topic which I find myself returning to quite a bit.
And without further ado...
57. They swear during one of their interviews. (Like one of the big ones that is often changed in movies to "Melon Farmer.) = - 3 points
To add up your score with over a 130 other ideas on this scorecard, visit
For SCL readers stopping by - welcome. Three Star Night is a Christian-themed webcomic that is transitioning to also include text posts. If you are interested in looking around, a nice sampling of my style can be found in my posts about coffee, a topic which I find myself returning to quite a bit.
Just visiting the other hosts of Jon's blog tour. Thanks for being involved! Tonja (#122 on Jon's list)