The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian?" Scorecard

For my TSN readers who are unfamiliar with Stuff Christians Like, we have the awesome opportunity to participate in a 130+ blog "post-a-thon," with each blog containing one scoring criterion to determine if a contestant on American Idol is a Christian.  (Yes, Stuff Christians Like is where I got the idea for a Church Website Scorecard.)  The author of SCL is also coming out with a book.  Truthfully, I haven't bought it yet, but I'm planning to and you should too.

And without further ado...

57. They swear during one of their interviews. (Like one of the big ones that is often changed in movies to "Melon Farmer.) = - 3 points 
To add up your score with over a 130 other ideas on this scorecard, visit

For SCL readers stopping by - welcome.  Three Star Night is a Christian-themed webcomic that is transitioning to also include text posts.  If you are interested in looking around, a nice sampling of my style can be found in my posts about coffee, a topic which I find myself returning to quite a bit.

1 Response to The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian?" Scorecard

  1. Tonja says:

    Just visiting the other hosts of Jon's blog tour. Thanks for being involved! Tonja (#122 on Jon's list)